woman listening to a podcast

Top Podcasts for Broadcasting

If you want to be in the action-packed field of broadcasting, you should first find an accredited school like the International College of Broadcasting to teach you all you need to know through online, face-to-face, and in-studio classes. And secondly, you’ll want to stay on top of industry news, tips, and trends to keep you in the know. One great way to stay informed is by listening to these five podcasts which are specifically geared towards broadcasters.

The NAB Podcast

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) produces this compelling podcast hosted by Josh Miely, who covers the topics, issues, and innovations that impact America’s broadcasters the most. Each episode is short and full of helpful ideas and information that will help you be the best broadcaster you can be. This podcast is considered a must-listen for anyone in broadcast media.

Worldwide Radio Summit: All Access Interviews

Every spring, radio broadcasters, record label execs, and other industry professionals converge upon Hollywood for the Worldwide Radio Summit. During this summit, Seth Resler interviews top thought leaders in radio broadcasting to discuss the state of the industry and share conversations inspired by the event. If you’re passionate about radio broadcasting, you’ll likely enjoy this podcast and the insider insights you’ll gain from it.

The Present Future of Audio – Talk, Music, Video, Interactivity (a16z Podcast)

This hour-long episode of the a16z podcast series features a conversation with the chief R&D officer at Spotify, Gustav Söderström, and covers the past, present, and future of audio, specifically addressing the blending of talk, podcasting, music, and more, and the challenges audio designers and broadcasters face in this new era.

Radio on Main Street

This podcast, produced by the Radio Advertising Bureau, features stories about the people creating, marketing, leading, or innovating in radio. Through conversations with radio’s most successful leaders, influencers and marketers, this series aims to spread the word about radio’s meaningful impact on people all across the country.

The Sound Off Podcast

This Canadian series features interviews and discussions about broadcasting, podcasting, and new media. Host Matt Cundill, a 20-year veteran of the radio industry, now works with broadcasters and podcasters to increase their audience and impact.

If you’re interested in turning your passion for broadcasting into an exciting career you can be proud of, check out the programs at International College of Broadcasting (ICB). Our Broadcasting program helps talented students like you prepare for amazing careers in radio, television, or social media. Contact us today to learn more!