how to write your own songs a girl and a guitar

Top Tips on How To Write Your Own Songs

Looking for tips on how to write your own songs? Writing songs in a world filled with as many kinds of music as there are people, can present some challenges to aspiring songwriters. After all, standing out among the masses of talented individuals creating music today is no small feat. Let’s face it, even the most legendary writers would tell you the struggle is real! Take renowned American author, Mark Twain, who summed up the struggle in his usual tongue in cheek style. “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” But when it comes to songwriting, there’s a whole lot more than just words to consider. To help you find the right musical muse, we’ve rounded up some tips from the experts for writing killer songs that beg to be heard.

Start with the basics – but start

Getting started is sometimes the hardest part, but great songs aren’t usually born complete. Start with either the melody or the lyrics and build your song from there. Keeping it simple in the beginning gives you plenty of room to add musical elements and lyrical punch as you go.

What’s your story?

 Songwriting is the ultimate way to tell a story and is a huge part of a great song. Write down your ideas and play with the structure and wording to develop a flow that works with the melody in your head. Keep refining and adjusting the phrasing, and the rhythm until you can actually hear the hook.

Be ready to write when inspiration strikes

 Most songwriters aren’t just cranking out one hit after another without breaking a sweat. Inspiration can be hard to find. But when it hits you, and that random rhyme or melody runs through your head that you feel – jot it down. Let’s face it, our brains work in mysterious ways. Don’t let a good one be the one you forgot to write down.

Figure out your songwriting Zen place

 Maybe you find inspiration in your car driving to work or in the gym after a hard workout. But figure out where your creative juices are the most likely to start flowing and make that your songwriting go-to space.

Be open to collaboration

If you’re the shy type, maybe you don’t love the idea of collaborating. Some of the best songs ever written were the result of multiple artists making beautiful music together. Get feedback and insight from fellow writers, musicians, and music producers. What you’re really doing is absorbing all that creativity.

Give yourself a break when you need one

If you hit writer’s block, sometimes the best solution is to step away and take a break. Give your brain a rest and you may find some new inspiration when you come back to the table.

Write like a real person – to a real person –

Try writing to who the song is about. Be real and say what you would say to them. The best songs come from real places and real emotions. The crafting of those real emotions into something lyrical can happen after you’ve gotten them on paper.

Avoid trying too hard to please the masses

This is a tough one because we want the masses to want to hear our songs. When you get caught up in trying to be what someone else wants, your writing will reflect it. It won’t necessarily be a good thing. Ask yourself why you wanted to write songs in the first place. It was probably because you had something to say. Stick with that.

Songwriting is an art form like no other. So, stay true to your individual style but don’t be afraid to collaborate and grow as an artist. If you’re inspired by the music industry, check out the programs at International College of Broadcasting (ICB). ICB can help you explore some of the career options available in the music industry, and the world of audio engineering and broadcasting. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a campus tour.