Shirley Drummer

Shirley Drummer

Shirley Drummer is the Office Manager at the International College of Broadcasting. Shirley came to us with a 20+ year background working in the healthcare industry and has a degree in Medical Technology. Her passion is for working with people, specifically those that have a need. Her compassion for helping others comes from a belief in servant leadership. Shirley’s heart is aligned for service and has spent her entire career helping others.

As the Office Manager at ICB, Shirley has the ability to use her skills in service to help our students throughout their journey of pursuing their dreams and passions.

Shirley loves music. Her favorite era is the 70’s and she also enjoys listening to all genres of Christian music. Since she started working for ICB she has found radio to be particularly enticing. She is excited about the exposure to a new industry that allows her to meet new people.

Her advice to students is “Don’t give up. Continue driving towards your happiness. Continue to fulfill your heart, even if it isn’t as easy as you anticipated. Don’t ever give up.”