Creating content and creating value

The Value of Content Creation

Virtually every company on earth now understands the value of content creation. That’s because content marketing is a proven way to attract, engage and retain customers by providing free and useful information to your target audience. There are various types of web content that effectively drive growth, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media posts, and other types of multimedia.

The good news is that if you want to create content for a living, there are many opportunities available to do so. With the proper training from the International College of Broadcasting (ICB), you’ll have all the skills you need to create compelling content for a wide range of industries.

Video Content

Video marketing has emerged as the most popular and engaging way to capture your audience’s attention. From videos that highlight products and services, how-to videos, brand videos, commercials, PSAs and more, video content is everywhere. With a degree from ICB in Video or Multimedia Production, you’ll learn the ins and outs of recording, editing and producing creative videos that get results.

Audio Content

These days, more and more employers are expecting their employees to be knowledgeable about both video and audio. That’s why we offer our innovative program in Audio and Video Recording to give you the best of both worlds. In addition to learning how to create killer video, you’ll learn all about how to master, mix and lay down audio tracks, and even create your own podcast.

Social Media Content

Much of the content created today is distributed through social media channels – such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and more. Almost every top brand these days has an entire department dedicated solely to achieving growth through social media. If you’re passionate about social, our Multimedia Production can help prepare you for the career of your dreams.

At ICB, we don’t just teach, we help build careers.

In addition to all of the above, our programs can also help you master writing skills, learn the various technologies and equipment needed in your chosen field, and create a portfolio of work so you can create value for a potential company through content creation.

If you’re interested in pursuing an exciting and rewarding career as a content creator, the International College of Broadcasting (ICB) can help you prepare with innovative programs in Audio and Video RecordingBroadcasting, and Multimedia Production & Broadcasting. To learn more, contact us or give us a call at 855-896-3733.