storyboard elements

5 Important Elements of a Storyboard

If you’re interested in working in film, television, or video production, it’s important that you understand how to use a storyboard. A storyboard is a visual roadmap for your project’s development, a blueprint of each shot and scene within the story. Storyboards are typically sketched out as pencil drawings or simple digital illustrations that can help production and development crews better visualize the film’s concept, plot, character actions, scenes, and more. Here are five key elements included in a storyboard:

Shot and Scene

Each scene in your production is given a title and a number on the storyboard (such as Opening Scene, S1) and then each shot within that scene is also numbered. So, scene 1, shot 4 would be displayed on the storyboard as S1.4.


A panel is one specific action or moment in a storyboard – each drawing is in its own panel. The panel’s shape also represents the aspect ratio that the production is being filmed in. So an IMAX film would have wider storyboard panels than a standard film.


A sequence in a storyboard represents multiple shots that will be shot at the same time and/or location. Together, a sequence of shots comprises a scene.


The description is basically a caption on each panel where the storyboard artist or director can include more details about what is happening – this may include actions, dialogue, and more.

Camera Movement

Panels may also include direction for the camera operator, designating shots as close-ups, wide shots, dolly shots etc. Arrows are also often used to indicate which way the camera should move (pan, zoom in, zoom out, etc.)

Check out ICB

If you’re interested in pursuing an exciting and rewarding career in film, TV, video or multimedia, the
International College of Broadcasting (ICB) can help you prepare with innovative programs in Audio and Video RecordingBroadcasting, and Multimedia Production & Broadcasting. To learn more, contact us or give us a call at 855-896-3733.