Girl working on a computer trying to find a broadcasting job

5 Tips for Finding Your First Broadcasting Job 

Embarking on a career in broadcasting is an exhilarating journey, filled with opportunities and challenges. Securing your first broadcasting job can be a significant milestone, marking the beginning of a rewarding profession in the industry. The International College of Broadcasting (ICB) understands the importance of guiding aspiring broadcasters towards their career goals. Here are five […]

careers in content creation such as podcast by a girl

Creating Content as a Career

Content for digital media is everywhere these days, and content marketing is one of the hottest industries in the world. According to a recent report, the content creation industry is expected to grow to a value of $47.2 billion by 2032. If you’re interested in joining this rapidly evolving field, it’s important to know what […]

beginner vide editing Tips

Beginner Video Editing Tips for Using Green Screens

If you’re working on becoming a filmmaker, videographer, or multi-media guru, at some point, you’ll likely want to try your hand at using a green screen. A green screen is a backdrop that filmmakers use to shoot footage which will later be superimposed over a separately filmed background. Whenever you see your favorite superhero jumping […]

A Laptop showing someone's website

Why You Should Have A Professional Portfolio

If you’re looking to start a career in broadcasting, video, audio or multimedia production, it’s important to create a professional online portfolio to share with prospective employers. While a good resume and cover letter are always helpful, words are simply not enough to showcase your talent, skills, and creativity. A digital portfolio highlights your best […]

5 Reasons Why Music is Beneficial to Your Health

5 Reasons Why Music is Beneficial to Your Health

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, not many people would know that music is just as beneficial to your health as your workout. For example, as you finish that last brutal mile on the treadmill, spurred on by your favorite jams blasting through your headphones, it may be a surprise to learn that […]