young man podcasting with industry used microphone

Guide to Podcast Production

Podcasts have taken the world by storm, with listenership exploding in recent years. An amazing 464 million people around the globe tune in to podcasts, and that number is projected to keep growing! This surge in popularity has created a booming demand for skilled podcast producers and creators. If you’ve ever dreamt of launching your […]

A beginner podcaster starting her own podcast

Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Own Podcast 

Podcasting has evolved into a dynamic medium, providing a platform for individuals to share their passions, stories, and expertise with a global audience. If you’re contemplating delving into the captivating world of podcasting, you’re in the right place. The International College of Broadcasting (ICB) is here to guide beginners through the essential steps to kickstart […]

Woman Speaking into Microphone for a Podcast

5 Tips For Finding Your First Podcasting Job

If you have a soothing voice, a knack for storytelling, and a passion for podcasts, a career as a podcaster might be ideal for you. But where do you start? Finding your first podcasting job can be exciting yet challenging. Fear not, aspiring podcasters! Here are five tips to help you land your dream gig. […]

video recording your podcasts

The Rise of Podcasts and Video

If you’re interested in an exciting career in an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds, you should consider the field of multimedia – specifically podcasting and video production. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for video editors is growing much faster than for other professions, largely due to the […]

careers in content creation such as podcast by a girl

Creating Content as a Career

Content for digital media is everywhere these days, and content marketing is one of the hottest industries in the world. According to a recent report, the content creation industry is expected to grow to a value of $47.2 billion by 2032. If you’re interested in joining this rapidly evolving field, it’s important to know what […]