a smartphone screen

6 Key Tips to Up Your Social Media Game

Looking for key tips to up your social media game? We’ve got what you’re looking for. If you’ve never explored the benefits that can come with keeping your social media game strong, you should. Why? Because social media platforms are not only free, they’re effective for getting your message, whatever that is, to the people. […]

A mobile user on tik-tok

What is Tik-Tok and Why You Should Consider Downloading It

What do you get when the multi-billion-dollar internet technology company Bytedance acquires a lip-syncing video short platform, Musical.ly, and merges it with its own video-sharing social media service? You get Tik-Tok, the short-form music video-sharing app that boasted over 500 million users worldwide before the addition of Musical.ly. But what’s Tik-Tok really all about and […]

Vlogging Expand Your Brand

How Vlogging Can Expand Your Personal Brand

With advances in digital technology and platforms like YouTube making it possible to reach a global audience in seconds, it’s easy to see why video blogging or vlogging, is rapidly becoming a go-to marketing tool to expand your personal brand. Yes, it’s a brave new world where the more visible your brand the better. Whether […]

microphone and laptop how to start a podcast

How to Start Your Own Podcast

Wondering how to start your own podcast? With video streaming giants like Netflix, Hulu, and a host of others battling for their share of the viewing audience, you might think the world of podcasters would have a tough time keeping up with all that competition. Think again. Since their inception in 2004, podcasts have grown […]

sports broadcasting careers

Sports Broadcasting – How to Turn Your Passion into a Profession

Turning your passion for Sports Broadcasting into a profession, is not as difficult as you might think. So, if your passion is sports and you thought the only way to turn that passion into a career was to throw like Tom Brady, think again. There are a ton of career paths in the sports industry […]